Three techniques to improve your confidence in just 60 seconds.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… For some people, speaking and selling yourself with confidence isn’t innate, it’s a PRACTICE! That’s right, you have to practice confidence. You have to learn what confidence looks like, how it sounds, and how it feels.

I have three exercises that have become crowd favorites in my coaching sessions and workshops. These three exercises will accelerate your confidence in your speaking skills! In other words–we’re going from 0 to 60 confidence, real quick! (*Queue some Drake theme music!)

The ABC Exercise — #ABCchallenge

I use the alphabet with clients and in my workshops because the alphabet levels the playing field; everybody knows it. It’s something you can recite without having to think–and that’s precisely what I want. What people commonly fear when speaking publicly is that they’ll forget what they want to say, or won’t have anything to say. Doing the ABC exercise shows people just how words can flow when you’re prepared and when you’re so comfortable with the content that you don’t have to search for words.

The ABCchallenge is really simple. You’re going to:

SPEAK the alphabet. Make it sound conversational, not recite it as a song;

Introduce yourself;

Tell people you’ll be reciting the alphabet. Recite it;

Then provide us with a closing.

This is a fun exercise for all ages, and a good one to introduce to the young people in your life. It’s never too early to get them comfortable with public speaking. Do it daily and you’ll see yourself transform in no time! Click on the image above to watch my YouTube demonstration of the ABC Challenge.

Challenge a friend and share your ABC Challenge with me on social @itsmarceiacork. Use #abcchallenge!

Box Talk 

The goal and outcome of Box Talk is to teach you how to speak on nearly any subject for one full minute. One minute is usually how much time you might spend answering a question. When you’re being interviewed or doing Q+A you have to learn how to think on your feet and answer questions quickly. Box Talk will teach you to find a way to answer any question with just three points. The key is to prepare an answer that’s personal, honest, and gets as close to answering the question as you can. For example, if you’ve been asked to talk about Plastic Surgery, but you have no first hand experience with plastic surgery you might say, “I’m going to talk to you about three celebrities who’s cosmetic procedures always have us talking: Cardi B, Nikki Minaj, and Kim Kardashian. To your audience, it feels like you’ve still stayed on subject and answered the question. Let’s take a quick look at my short Box Talk demo, or watch the full YouTube video below!

Practice daily or multiple times a day! Why not–it only takes a minute!


Underscored is an exercise I use to show people how to perfect the manuscript style of speaking. With the manuscript technique, you are actually reading from a prepared script. This is how most keynote speeches are delivered, along with things like eulogies, press conferences and other opportunities. And if you’re planning to do voiceover work you’ll definitely read from a lot of scripts. The goal of this exercise is to learn to make your scripted reading sound more conversational and melodic, and less robotic. We tend to sound like robots when we read. But what you want is vocal variety. That means, you want to deliver a scripted speech in a way that sounds like you would if you were talking off the cuff and having an everyday conversation. We change our pitch, we change our volume, we change our pace. We often have a natural rhythm or cadence when we talk. 

I call this exercise Underscored! because to underscore typically means to underline for emphasis. With this exercise, underlining and highlighting key words within your script will help determine what you want to emphasize and what you don’t, and help you find your rhythm and flow. Read below for an at-a-glance view of what to do, then watch this video to see the Underscored technique in action:

  • First, imagine yourself telling a recent story. Make note of how you sound when you’re excited, sharing private info, or while laughing, etc.
  • Read through your script. What’s the mood? I want you to underline, highlight and make notes of what you need to emphasize, and of what you’ll understate or run together with less emphasis.
  • Try to mimic your natural speaking voice.
  • Resist the urge to overemphasize adjectives, pronouns and verbs. Do this only if the content really calls for it.
  • Read through repeatedly, and settle into a natural cadence. When you notice a pattern while practicing you’ll know this is your signature flow! Chances are, this is how you sound when you tell stories or share information with friends! Just like we recognize the flow and delivery style of our favorite rappers, actors and voiceover talents, your audiences may have already started to pick up on your signature sound. So use this technique to really nurture what’s becoming your signature sound, and increase your voice recognition.

I hope you enjoy these exercises! Be sure to record yourself and share the videos with me on social using the hashtags #ABCchallenge #BoxTalk #0to60Confidence and #mebethebrand. I can’t wait to see you rebuilding, rebranding, and representing yourself with confidence!

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